
In 2009 New York artist Judith Braun began creating art pieces with her now famous technique known as fingerprinting. She uses monochromatic tones, mostly black and white. With the theme balance in mind I knew that I wanted to pick an artist that’s work showed symmetry and abstraction, and Braun’s work did just that. The way she effortlessly swirls her hands to create a brilliant design is extraordinary.Judith Ann Braun

She uses graphite to create murals of balance and symmetrical beauty.  The marks are so accurately positioned that one will find it hard to believe that her murals are actually not created with traditional equipment. Her first fingerprint drawing was displayed at the Artists Space, in New York City. Judith Ann Braun has had her work displayed in various museums including, the Chrysler Museum of Art, Indianapolis Museum of Art and other galleries in America.

Because balance is one of the crucial aspects in Braun’s work, an affect is created and so the mural is visually appealing to the eye. Her work is usually done on larger canvases that create a bigger impact.

Braun’s drawings are greatly affected by the theme balance and weather on a small or large-scale she still manages to create flawless escapades of art.

More of Braun’s work can be found on her website: www.judithannbraun.com

Adam Shergold, 2012, Available at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2234831/Judith-Ann-Braun-Artist-uses-just-fingerprints-create-huge-murals-charcoal.html [online], [Accessed on : 04/10/2014]

Judith Braun, Available at: http://judithannbraun.com/462250/bio/ [online], [Accessed on : 04/10/2014]